U.S. Licensed In-House Attorney

Job Description

  1. Multinational company in-house attorney.
  2. Handling corporate legal matters.
  3. License to practice law in U.S. required.
  4. J.D. or LLM from U.S. required.


  • Type: Full time
  • Time: 09:00~18:00
  • Vacation: Saturday and Sunday off
  • Vacancy: 1 person


  • Experience: As specified in JD
  • Degree: Master or above
  • Major: Law related
  • Skill/Tool: As specified in JD

Please attach the diploma and transcript of both your university/college and master degree.

Recruiting Process


Explore our website and find out about our current recruitment.


Please email apply@hipr.com for applying the job.


We will try to understand your career goals, skills, strengths, passion etc.


If you are successful in all the previous stages, you will receive an employment offer by our HR team.